Monday 1 June 2015

21 June

21 June, This day is marked as World Yoga day. Aha!! Cheers to all who did this beautiful work to make world familiarize with YOGA. Kudos to all J.  Yoga (YOG (addition) + APAN(self)), which makes BIG APAN.


Yoga is a recipe which adds flavour in you and gives vision to see world and yourself from different perspective. You would be thinking everyone says same blah, how a series of exercise can bring change in you? I was same few years back and too lazy and busy to take out 30 minutes , Ironically I used to have plenty amount of time with TV , studies , travelling and chatting.

Gradually, I realized life and emotions are controlling me. I Googled for solution, I went through article which said when you have many responsibilities and expectations to fulfil and time is only 24 hours what should I do, increase your energy and vision. YOGA is useful here.

I started half heartedly, let’s try it. After two months people said me you are looking fresh and glowing.  My introspection says I am new version of me. More positive , enthusiastic, and energetic and less complaining. Thanks to my Yoga pack of Padmasadhana, Suryanamaskar and Sudarshan Kriya. I am enjoying new version of me.  

So, don't wait to give your soul, breath and mind more luxury.