Friday 10 July 2015

Observe,Filter and Surrender


In life we follow pattern of emotions love, anger, hate, joy, enthusiasm, loneliness, worry….. Positive emotions and negative emotions... “Jitney log utni list Lambi”.  I used to think it happens with me only, but its human nature.

Dear Friends, sharing great piece of knowledge, which you come across only fewer times in life. 

Some knowledge from Rishi Nityapragya's satsang … Rishi Nitipragaya is art of living teacher.

“Moment to moment, life is going on. In every moment there are 2 sections to your life - The outer world and the inner world. Outer world is made up of people, situation, and things. Inner world is made up of Mind, intellect, memory and ego.
With different people and in different situations different flavours come up in you. If you observe your inner flavours, there is a lot of repetitiveness in it. Same flavours are coming up in you again and again and again. These are called as habits, tendencies or patterns (Vrittis).
For example, If you have the habit of getting angry, though you may feel that somebody's behaviour is making you angry the fact is that you already have the tendency or habit to get angry. If you did not have the habit of anger the same behaviour from somebody would not make you feel angry. Some other experience would happen.

Sometimes you feel there is a possibility of something going wrong in a situation that is making you worried. I am saying you are worrying because of your habit of worrying. If you did not have the tendency to worry, the same situation will not make you worried, you will experience something else. 

"People, situations or things in the outer world are merely triggering habits in you." 
There are two types of habits (Vrittis) . Habits that are harmful for your life (Klisht Vrittis) and habits are beneficial for your life (Aklisht Vrittis). There are harmful and beneficial habits in all 3 aspects of your life - 
'Mansa' - at the mind level
'Vacha' -at the speaking level
'Karmana'- at the doership level

These habits immensely influence the quality of your life. Now let us see how these habits are formed. Your repetitive indulgence in any activity either at Mansa, Vacha or Karmana aspect, create these habits. The habits of anger, worrying, enthusiasm or taking responsibility are all because we have repetitively experienced these flavours in the past. If you want to be free from any habit and you keep dropping that flavour from your mind with commitment, gradually that habit will lose its grip on your mind.
There is a simple, yet extremely powerful 3 step process if you want to be free from harmful tendencies.

STEP 1: OBSERVE: Keep a watch on your inner atmosphere. In different situations with different people whatever flavours are coming up in you, keep on observing them

STEP 2: FILTER: Whatever is happening in your inner atmosphere apply a filter of intelligence (Vivek) on it. You decide what is worth keeping, and what is not worth keeping. These flavours come up in you because of your tendencies, but as you learn to apply the filter of wisdom you get the freedom to choose what you want to keep and what you want to drop. 

STEP 3: SURRENDER: The nature has given you this fantastic ability to let go, to surrender, to drop and to release. Simple technique is to keep on taking long full breaths and with every outgoing breath, keep on releasing any thought, emotion, memory, judgement or ego that you want to drop. Remember if the file is big, it might take a little time to delete it, but the delete button always works and that is your outgoing breath.

The only hindrance in the process of release is your own ego. Ego doesn't want to drop stuff and be free. Ego wants to blame and glorify our own miseries. The ego that blames others is called "Victim consciousness" and the ego that blames oneself is called the "Guilt consciousness". Save your mind from the dangerous flavours of ego i.e. Guilt and Victim. If your ego doesn't want to drop something, no amount of breathing will help you.

To be happy is our own responsibility. Let us learn to fulfil that responsibility.

Let us Observe, Filter & Surrender all reasons of unhappiness, negative emotion, garbage of the past, unnecessary ego (superiority and inferiority complexes) and be free.

All you need is committed skilful effort of observe, filter & surrender!”

I am trying to implement same and ya!! If your intentions are good, God will help you in every possible way , resources will come and help you it’s a rule. Just have faith on this.

Enjoy Life and Think Positive.. Only good is going to come in way

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